From Employee to Entrepreneur

“I’m tired of being an employee. I want to start my own business.”

You may be tired, not necessarily because you're an employee, but because of other possible reasons.

1. You are in the wrong job.
2. You are in the wrong company.
3. You need a new challenge.

Starting your own business can prove to be one of the most rewarding things that you can do, but it can also be tiring if you're not built for it.

It will take a lot of hard work, trial and error and learning to build a sustainable business. But if you’re passionate about it, then go and pursue entrepreneurship.

"What business should I start?" 

"Should I change career?"

"Can I monetize my hobby?"

That I will answer in this upcoming learning event this Sept 14, 2013 at The Crimson Hotel Alabang. Join us! To check out the details, visit


"Ano bang trend ngayon?"

"Ano bang trend ngayon?"

Many aspiring entrepreneurs start with this question. But they fail to see that a trend may lead in two different directions – the upward trend and the down trend.

Copying a business concept because it's "uso" is one of the riskiest thing you can do. Don't assume that if it worked for them, that it will work for you too.

Look at what the market really needs, take inventory of your competencies, and then ask yourself if this is something you'd be willing to work hard on. 

Take that into consideration and then develop a product, a service or a concept that people (your customers) won't find elsewhere. 

YENG REMULLA is the author of the best-selling books Productive Pinoy & Start Something. An entrepreneur for 15 years, a real estate investor and the founder partner of START LEARNING.



When a leader says "Help me." It's not weakness, but a sign of maturity. 

Mature leaders know they can't do it by themselves. They are not insecure, but instead, they allow others to fill in, to complement, or even to take charge of tasks they know they can't do themselves.

"Who gets the credit?" 

It doesn't matter. Good leaders are purpose-driven, not popularity-driven. In fact, they are prone to make unpopular choices or decisions all the time.

I'm privileged to have known two men who do this well. They're both leaders in their own field or calling. And this September, it's an honor for me to speak with them. 

If you're free this coming September 14, I hope you could join us too. For sure this will be fun! More details here:


If I do my best, will God do the rest?

I grew up hearing this popular saying "Do your best and God will do the rest."

That sounds good, maybe even spiritual. And yes, God is pleased with our faith when we do our best.

But some people can take that statement in the wrong context. They'll do what they can, but won't look hard enough to bring out the best in themselves.

Instead, some people believe the opposite: "Do your rest, and God will do the best." 

You'll see them always resting, passively waiting, living on auto-pilot mode, believing everything will just fall into its place when all they did was try a little.

Saying the right words is easy, but real faith will manifest in your action.

Do your best. Your real best. And yes, if your pursuit is aligned to His will for you, God will do the rest.

YENG REMULLA is the author of the best-selling books Productive Pinoy & Start Something. An entrepreneur for 15 years, a real estate investor and the founder partner of START LEARNING.