What makes it a gift? (30 sec read)

What makes it a gift?

A gift is freely given. If I'd require one from you, it's no longer a gift. It becomes a demand.

A gift isn't a transaction. It's delivered without expecting something in return.

A gift is freely received and appreciated. You shouldn't send it back to the gift-giver.

A gift may be given out of love, appreciation or obligation. You are wise enough to do it for the first two reasons.

Jesus didn't have to do it. Yet, he came. He lived, he taught, he gave us hope. Then he died for us so that we can be free – and truly live.

It was out of His love. A gift, freely given. Nothing required in return. All you have to do is to receive it, be thankful with it, and share it to others.

We thank you Jesus.

Merry Christmas Everyone!

[Photo Credit – Shimelle]